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Problems of Development and Learning
Problems of Development and Learning
Course in Business Comunications
Problems of Development and Learning

The following course in Problems of Development and Learning is provided in its entirety by Atlantic International University's "Open Access Initiative" which strives to make knowledge and education readily available to those seeking advancement regardless of their socio-economic situation, location or other previously limiting factors. The University's Open Courses are free and do not require any purchase or registration, they are open to the public.

The course in Problems of Development and Learning contains the following:

  • Lessons in video format with explaination of theoratical content.
  • Complementary activities that will make research more about the topic , as well as put into practice what you studied in the lesson. These activities are not part of their final evaluation.
  • Texts supporting explained in the video.

The Administrative Staff may be part of a degree program paying up to three college credits. The lessons of the course can be taken on line Through distance learning. The content and access are open to the public according to the "Open Access" and " Open Access " Atlantic International University initiative. Participants who wish to receive credit and / or term certificate , must register as students.


A world-wide surge of interest in what human beings could be and could become started in the 1940s, grew slowly in the 1950s, grew much faster in the 60s and finally reached its full flowering in the 1970s. Today it is consolidating itself, and becoming much more widely accepted. It is now part of the mainstream, rather than being something new and unfamiliar. It is no longer unfashionable to admit that you are interested in understanding yourself and what you might be or become.

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Couple counseling tends to focus on the area of communication; what do the partners communicate, and how do they communicate it? Often the problem is simply lack of communication – the partners don‟t know how to listen to each other, and sometimes don‟t even know how to talk to each other (Button 1985). So quite often it is a matter of teaching the skills of communication.
Between men and women, there are often quite specific mistakes which each gender makes about the other, and these have been much studied in recent years. Men, for example, often want to solve problems as quickly as possible, while women want to explore them from all angles.

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When the great development of group work in humanistic psychology came along in the 1960s, it lit upon psychodrama as one of the main means of carrying out its aims, from being ignored and even ridiculed for much of his life, Moreno saw his work taken up and used more than ever before. But he died in 1974 at the age of 85, too soon to see the further expansion which took place in the 1970‟s (Marineau 1989).
In psychodrama you take a life situation which is loaded with feeling for you – a row with the boss, being ill-treated as a child, a problem with a partyer, anything at all – and act it out, using people from the group as characters in your play (Badaines 1988). The group leader is called a director, and facilitates the action by suggesting ways of making it more direct and intense (Blatner & Blatner 1988).

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When the great development of group work in humanistic psychology came along in the 1960s, it lit upon psychodrama as one of the main means of carrying out its aims, from being ignored and even ridiculed for much of his life, Moreno saw his work taken up and used more than ever before. But he died in 1974 at the age of 85, too soon to see the further expansion which took place in the 1970‟s (Marineau 1989).
In psychodrama you take a life situation which is loaded with feeling for you – a row with the boss, being ill-treated as a child, a problem with a partyer, anything at all – and act it out, using people from the group as characters in your play (Badaines 1988). The group leader is called a director, and facilitates the action by suggesting ways of making it more direct and intense (Blatner & Blatner 1988).

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Lesson 5: Introduction of Humanistic Psychology and Social Issues

Although social transformation may not have been the primary focus in the past, a large percentage of contemporary humanistic psychologists currently investigate pressing social, cultural, and gender issues. Even the earliest writers who were associated with and inspired psychological humanism explored topics as diverse as the political nature of "normal" and everyday experience (RD Laing), the disintegration of the capacity to love in modern consumerist society (Erich Fromm), the growing technological dominance over human life (Medard Boss), and the question of evil (Rollo May-Carl Rogers debate). In addition, Maureen O’Hara, who worked with both Carl Rogers and Paolo Freire, has pointed to a convergence between the two thinkers given their distinct but mutually related focus on developing critical consciousness of situations which oppress and dehumanize.

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Lesson 6: Evolutionary Theories of Emotions

Although numerous adaptive-evolutionary treatments of emotion have emerged over the years (e.g., Ekman & Davidson, 1994; Plutchik, 1994), an evolutionary-psychological approach distinguishes itself from other evolutionary approaches by adopting an explicitly adaptationist perspective (Barkow, Cosmides, & Tooby, 1992). An adaptationist perspective is guided by the simple assumption that the mind is comprised of many mental adaptations, each of which is the product of natural and sexual selection operating over many generations during the course of human evolution (Buss, Haselton, Shackelford, Bleske, & Wakefield, 1999).

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Lesson 7: Creativity, Intelligence, & Personality

Divergent thinking; creativity in women; hemispheric specialization opposing right brain to left as the source of intuition, metaphor, and imagery; the contribution of altered states of consciousness to creative thinking; an organismic interpretation of the relationship of creativity to personality and intelligence; new methods of analysis of biographical material and a new emphasis on psychohistory; the relationship of thought disorder to originality; the inheritance of intellectual and personal traits important to creativity; the enhancement of creativity by training; these have been the main themes emerging in research on creativity since the last major reviews of the field (Stein 1968; Dellas & Gaier 1970; Freeman, Butcher & Christie 1971; Gilchrist 1972).

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Lesson 8: What is Development?

Life begins at conception when a new organism is created with the mother’s ovum fertilized by the father’s sperm. From that point till death an individual keeps on growing and changing. Such changes are not random but orderly and they generally follow a pattern. Development is the process by which organisms grow and change systematically over the entire life period i.e., from conception till death. Developmental changes are not only growth or additions to human organisms, they also involve decay. A child loses the milk teeth in the process of development and an old person may show decay in several areas of functioning.

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Lesson 9: The Negative Effects of Instability on Child Development

The recent financial crisis of the Great Recession has taken a negative toll on families across the country and beyond. High parental unemployment, home foreclosures, and strained household resources have weakened the stability and quality of home environments for many children and limited access to proper care and nutrition. As parents struggle to provide financially for their families, the chronic stress they face may make it difficult for them to give their children the care and attention they need. Some children who have grown up during this time period have experienced a great deal of instability in their lives. This lack of security and continuity can have deep and lasting impacts on children’s development physically, emotionally, and cognitively.

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Lesson 10: Introduction

An emotional and behavioral disorder is an emotional disability characterized by the following: An inability to build or sustain acceptable interpersonal relationships with peers and/or teachers. An inability to learn which cannot be effectively explained by intellectual, sensory or health factors. Consistent or chronic inappropriate type of behavior or feelings under normal conditions. Displayed pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression. Displayed tendency to develop physical symptoms, pains or unreasonable fears associated with personal or school problems.

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